Class BaseConversationSummaryMemoryAbstract

Abstract class that provides a structure for storing and managing the memory of a conversation. It includes methods for predicting a new summary for the conversation given the existing messages and summary.




aiPrefix: string = "AI"
humanPrefix: string = "Human"
memoryKey: string = "history"
prompt: BasePromptTemplate<any, BasePromptValueInterface, any> = SUMMARY_PROMPT
returnMessages: boolean
summaryChatMessageClass: (new (content) => BaseMessage) = SystemMessage

Type declaration

inputKey?: string
outputKey?: string


  • get memoryKeys(): string[]
  • Returns string[]


  • Method to clear the chat history.

    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise that resolves when the chat history has been cleared.

  • Abstract method that should take an object of input values and return a Promise that resolves with an object of memory variables. The implementation of this method should load the memory variables from the provided input values.


    Returns Promise<MemoryVariables>

    Promise that resolves with an object of memory variables.

  • Predicts a new summary for the conversation given the existing messages and summary.


    • messages: BaseMessage[]

      Existing messages in the conversation.

    • existingSummary: string

      Current summary of the conversation.

    Returns Promise<string>

    A promise that resolves to a new summary string.

  • Method to add user and AI messages to the chat history in sequence.


    • inputValues: InputValues

      The input values from the user.

    • outputValues: OutputValues

      The output values from the AI.

    Returns Promise<void>

    Promise that resolves when the context has been saved.

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